Focus Entertainment and Blackbird Interactive have today released a new gameplay overview trailer for Hardspace: Shipbreaker.

The trailer shows Hardspace: Shipbreaker’s gameplay in detail for players who have been waiting for the game to come to consoles, ​ Discover the immersive, space-bound setting where you’ll experience the life of a spaceship salvager through a gripping, story-driven campaign or relax while practicing your skills in free play mode. Get a lesson on the salvaging processes and tools and let the lure of an outstanding zero-g simulation draw you into ever more hazardous shifts! Expect danger and excitement, as space is already an unforgiving environment, but your corporate overlords at LYNX Corporation aren’t helping matters much. The good news? You may have more power than you think to improve working conditions for all the brave Shipbreakers currently in space.

Take a look at the trailer and let us know your thoughts via the comment section below.